I want to use a new document root with a file
Change apache configuration
# mkdir /web
# cd /web
# vi index.html
# vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
I’m creating another DocumentRoot.
DocumentRoot “/web”
And another directory to files:
AllowOverride None
Require all granted
Also check the settings for Directory:
Restart apache:
# systemctl restart httpd
if is not restarting, try to start it
I have my new document root and want to use it:
# elinks http://localhost
Is the default homeage. Check the logs audit.log for AVC and messages.
Click details from GUI troubleshoot.
I can’t use the SEAlert.
The audit log is the only reliable:
# grep AVC /var/log/audit/audit.log
This is clear.
Set it correclty:
# man semanage
Check the line with semanage-fcontext
and on the man page:
# man semanage-fcontext
and there is an example:
Now paste it and use restorecon:
Check it.